CategoriesProperty Management

Rental Property Maintenance: This Is How to Clean Your Unit

rental property maintenance

According to property managers, maintenance is one of the top challenges. If you own a property, you know how hard it can be to keep up the cleanliness of your property. Once your tenants move out, you might not have much time before the family moves in. 

You may only have a week or even just a few days to get the property clean and ready. Maintaining your property is crucial and you shouldn’t rush through the cleaning process. You also don’t want to spend days deep cleaning. 

In this article, we are going to tell you everything you need to know about rental property maintenance and what you need to do to get your investment in prime condition. Read on, so you’re ready for your next tenants. 

Benefits of Deep Cleaning  

Before you start cleaning, you need to know why it’s so important. You may be tempted to do a basic cleaning instead of a deep cleaning, but there are benefits that you’ll miss out on if you don’t invest time into sanitizing the place. 

Food particles, dust, and dirt can cause bigger issues if they aren’t cleaned up. They can sit in corners and crevices and become a home for mold. It can go undetected for a long time if you aren’t deep cleaning your property between tenants. 

An unclean space can also lead to health issues. If there’s any dampness and mold, it will be easy for harmful bacteria to grow, and your renters could experience respiratory issues.  

After your renters move out, you’ll want to take inventory. If your place is furnished, you will need to make sure all your items are still in the unit, and nothing is broken.

There’s always a chance your renter’s scratched or damaged your walls and windows, too. Doing a deep clean will give you the chance to check all your property and ensure you don’t need to keep their security deposit. 

Lastly, moving the new renters into a clean apartment will start you off on the right foot. No one wants to move and live in a dirty space. They will appreciate that you took the time to clean up and will understand the expectations. 

Cleaning Supplies 

Having the right supplies is crucial. Stocking up before you start cleaning will keep you from having to stop halfway through to go to the store to get more sponges or rags. 

Here is a list of items you may need to deep clean. 

  • Window Cleaner: (using newspapers to wipe mirrors and windows helps with streaks)
  • Microfiber brushes (used for HVAC vents and fan blades) 
  • Scrub brush for showers and toilets
  • Carpet Cleaner/Stain remover (only if you have rugs and carpet)
  • Bleach 
  • Vacuum 
  • Mop or Steam Mop
  • Magic Eraser and Toothbrush  

Don’t Forget the Appliances

When you’re cleaning the kitchen, it can be easy to forget about the appliances. If you have a stainless steel dishwasher or refrigerator, there are specific wipes that can be helpful when removing fingerprints. 

You may want to defrost and clean the freezer too. Old food and liquids can make a big mess, and it’s best to have that cleaned before new tenants arrive. The inside of the microwave can be home to a lot of leftover food, too. 

Cleaning Up The Exterior  

First impressions and curb appeal are two things you should keep in mind when you’re cleaning a rental property. You want your houses to look like the best rental properties on the block. 

Don’t get too focused on the inside that you neglect the exterior. Be sure to remove dead leaves and branches from the gutters. You may want to hire a professional to pressure wash the driveway or sidewalk in front of your home.

If there’s moss or mold buildup, it can be dangerous for your tenants. Mowing the lawn and removing dead or dying trees can make your property look brand new from the outside. At this point, you’ve probably already wiped down the inside windows, but you’ll also need to do the outside too. 

The Bathrooms 

The bathrooms are probably where you want to spend the least amount of time. Before walking out and finishing up your rental property maintenance, be sure to check every off the checklist below. That way, you can be sure the bathroom is spotless. 

  1. Clean the sinks and faucets
  2. Wipe down the baseboards (if any) and take care of any mold
  3. Dust out the cabinets and drawers
  4. Unclog the sink and shower drain (if needed)
  5. Ensure there aren’t any water spots on the mirrors and glass
  6. Scrub the floor  

Cleaning Tips To Remember

There are a few tasks that can be easy to forget about. Dusting and changing out the light bulbs should be done sometime during the cleaning process. You’ll also want to dust off all the shelves, ledges, light switches, and decor.

The magic eraser is great for removing any scuffs and marks on the walls, including pens and markers. If you have tile, a toothbrush is a great tool for cleaning the grout. 

Rental Property Maintenance

Rental property maintenance is a step that can’t be avoided. If you don’t live near your rental property, you may not be able to find time to come deep clean.

Hiring a property manager can help ease your workload. You will also have peace of mind knowing your property is being properly taken care of. Instead of spending hours scrubbing and mopping, you can work on expanding your real estate portfolio. 

If you own real estate, contact us here. We have worked with many property investors, and we can help you manage and clean your property.